We are general trading company, with core business in branded goods we have large variety of branded food products which originate from:
Our roots are going from food manufacturing, we have large experience in export of food products with good contacts and well thought logistics to make all the deliveries on time and with best available service.
Every one of our client has their own account from where he can track all the orders and payments.
We offer additional services for sticking and repacking of the goods up to standards of every and each client.
We have easy tracking system of the goods which our partners purchase from us.
we have warehouses in Odessa, Kiev and Lviv which again allow us to make the logistics by any type of transport, from Lviv we are in easy access to Europe where we can do delivery within 3-4 days. Odessa gives us an access to the whole world, we cooperate with shipping lines direct and chose exactly shipping line which can provide what is needed fro our client (shipping time, free days in the port, price of logistics, additional services e.g., transport to the warehouse of the buyer.
Sunflower oil
Wheat flour
Baking mixes
Another service which we are ready to provide for our partners is R&D of food products, if you know that you have an uncovered niche in the market you are operating in and you do not have the contacts or you physically do not have time to do it. We are here for you to help you develop new kind of products, we take the responsibility for developing your product, choosing partner who will execute it, getting the design and ergonomics of the packaging.